The Three R’s of Post-Ride Nutrition: Rehydrate, Replenish, Repair

The Three R’s of Post-Ride Nutrition: Rehydrate, Replenish, Repair

To get the most out of your training as you prepare for a great event with The Ride Collective, you need to take care of your body after the ride with the Three R’s:

  • Rehydrate – with fluids and electrolytes

  • Replenish – replace lost glycogen with carbohydrates

  • Repair – with high quality protein

Here is how a post-workout meal can accomplish the 3 R’s:


  • Athletes can estimate how much fluid they need to replace losses by weighing themselves before and after training. For every 1 lb (or ~0.5 kg) that is lost, 16-24 ounces of water should be consumed.

  • Electrolyte replacement drinks/mixes are not typically necessary. Most athletes can replace losses by not restricting salt intake (salt is made of sodium & chloride, which are the primary electrolytes lost in sweat).

  • Athletes who train for prolonged periods of time in environmental extremes (high heat, humidity or at altitude), an electrolyte replacement may be necessary.


  • Glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrates within the muscles.

  • Glycogen is a key source of energy for short, intense efforts and for long endurance events when athletes cannot consume enough carbs to match how much they are burning off. When glycogen stores are not replenished, performance in subsequent workouts will suffer.

  • Your muscles are like a sponge in the 1-2 hours after training! By that I mean they are more sensitive to carbs & protein immediately after training than when you are sitting at your desk working. Thus, it is important to eat ASAP after your ride!

  • The amount of carbs needed will depend on the intensity/duration, as well as how well an athlete fueled before and during their training. Typically though, 30-60g of carbs within the first hour after training is adequate, followed by a full meal within 2-3 hours.


  • Consuming protein is necessary for promoting muscle repair and build new muscle.

  • Athletes should aim for 15-30g of high quality protein within 30 min to 2 hours after training (the sooner the better).

  • Protein needs can be met through a normal diet. Protein powders are not necessary, but can be used if time is limited to prepare a meal.

Make sure you're hitting the three Rs, and you’ll feel that much better on your big ride day!

Read more about post-training nutrition on


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